flowers name in Spanish

if you want to learn flower name in Spanish ? we provide you all flower name in Spanish. I am going to tell you all flower names in Spanish and English with pictures.

all flower name help to increase your knowledge and help to your learning. if you want to know all flower names in Spanish? let’s check all flower name in Spanish.

Spanish is very popular language in India.Flowers are used in medicines, perfumes and many other ways.

flowers name in Spanish

flowers name in Spanish
flowers name in Spanish

check out all flowers name in Spanish language. we provide 20+ flower name in Spanish language with pictures.

No. Flower img Flower name in English flowers name in spanish
1 Aster Aster
2 Balloon Flower Flor de globo
3 Basil Albahaca
4 Blue Morning Glory Gloria de mañana azul
5 Bluebell Campanilla
6 Bougainvillea Buganvilla
7 Calendula Caléndula
8 Cherry Blossom Flor de cerezo
9 Chrysanthemum Crisantemo
10 Daffodil Narciso
11 Dahlia Dalia
12 Daisy Margarita
13 Datura Datura
14 Geranium Geranio
15 Hibiscus Hibisco
16 Iris Iris
17 Ixora Ixora
18 Jasmine Jazmín
19 Lavender Lavanda
20 Lily Lirio
21 Lotus Loto
22 Marigold Maravilla
23 Oleander Adelfa
24 Orchid Orquídea
25 Pot Marigold Caléndula
26 Rose Rosa
27 Rosemallows Malvaviscos
28 Snowdrop Campanilla de febrero
29 Sunflower Girasol
30 Tulip Tulipán

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